b. 1992 lives and works in Los Angeles, California

MFA University of California Riverside class of 2022, Riverside, California

BFA Sculpture/Installation class of 2016 OCAD University, Toronto, Canada 

Honey Tea, KSP, Los Angeles, California (2024)

All Together Now, Studio A1, Los Angeles, California (2024)

Out From The Dark, Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts, Riverside, California (2022)

Take Off Your Body, OneTwoOne, Riverside, California (2022)

CLAY.D.D Collective, Naked Eye Studio, Los Angeles, California (2022)

Flit of the Wisp, Phyllis Gill Gallery, Riverside, California (solo, 2022)

GIFC Toronto (curated by Andre Ethier), Toronto, Canada (2018)

Delphine Henelley + Mickey Mackenna, Projet Pangée, Montreal, Canada (2018) 

Signals & Sentiments, Critical Distance, Toronto, Canada (2017) 

Ghost Stories, XSPACE, Toronto, Canada (2016) 

Provisional Affinities, Beaver Hall Gallery, Toronto, Canada (2016) 

Nothing Is As Stark As The Body Next To You, AC Repair Co., Toronto, Canada (2016) 

Hushed Plea, The Loon, Toronto, Canada (solo, 2016)

The Crux, Autumn Gallery, Toronto, Canada (solo, 2016)

The Fourth Autumn, Autumn Gallery, Toronto, ON, Canada (2015)

◦ Green, Wright Gallery, Toronto, Canada (2015) 

The Coffin Factory, The Coffin Factory (curated by Manden Murphy), Toronto, Canada (2013)